Talent Trees - Going Up

Would it be OP if we could travel backwards or vertically up the tree as well as current down and across? It would add more variation and fun at little cost to FatShark, giving more talent choices without increasing talent points. Opening up more combinations and trade-offs.

Due to some the strange layouts wouldn’t really effect Zealot much, small effects to Veteran, most effects to Psyker & Ogryn.

“These stairs go up” -some wise dwarf

Yeah it would be broken unbalanced, seems like the tree is deliberately designed to avoid these OP scenarios. For ogryn -JK

The biggest scenarios it prevents/promotes is Ogrny/Psyker to pick a grenade that lines up with real talents you want. Especially Ogryn gets stuck on its side trees with little choices to cross.

Also, could swap brain burst and smite then have no broken balance but may have more player frustration it’s all very arbitrary and plain dimensionally limited so far as balance.

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Can’t really argue with you, this appeared to all be intentional if short-sighted and unfair compared to other classes.
Hilariously when the very recent ogryn tree node adjustment was hinted at without details, some people assumed it would open up the grenade picks; boy where they wrong.