I think it would be great for the Vermintide series to have the ability to adjust the tactics/priority of the bots. Dragon Age Origins had this mechanic, and it was very detailed.
For example: It allowed you to tell the AI at what % of health before drinking a health/mana potion, under what condition when to use a spell/talent, such as if a player falls below 50% HP cast healing or only use this offensive spell on elites/monsters.
I just can’t help but think that Vermintide would benefit greatly if it had this mechanic implemented in the future because it’d allow each player to adjust their bots AI to their play style/strategy of the player which is something this game lacks. Besides, we all know the AI/bots need some TLC.
p.s When any player tells the AI to pick up an item, the bot should receive the item immediately. The player has already taken time to go to the location to collect the item, so it should transfer to the bot through “magic” or something.