Guys, as many of us know, almost all of the perks that reduce damage from specials are very niche, I think the only one I occasionally run is sniper resistance, everything else gets ignored since perks like gunner resistance, max health, max toughness are far more useful.
I think a rework is in order.
My idea is that Transcendent (orange quality) curios get a new perk slot called “Specialist Perk”, this perk slot is where you’d get to choose one of the specialist damage reductions, this way players would actually always use these niche perks since there’s a slot specifically for them. You would keep the 3 normal perk slots we have now, just you can no longer equip specialist perks to them and must use the new Specialist Perk slot.
Also while I’m talking about perks, devs can you please make shotgunners count as gunners for the gunner resistance perk? It’s very strange they don’t count when they have GUNNER in their name.
Lastly if you do a perk update, maybe add some other new perks. I have a few ideas for these.
Horde Resistance: up to 20% damage resistance against melee attacks from groaners, poxwalkers and bruisers.
Shooter Resistance: Up to 20% damage resistance against shooter type enemies
Melee Elite Resistance: Up to 20% damage resistance against all melee elites.
Anyway, I would love to see some updates to curios to increase build variety and to have the niche perks actually matter.
The available perks are indeed a bit too spread out.
Bomber resistance doesn’t quite help against tox bombers, corruption resistance is probably just as valuable as flamer resistance against tox flamers, Mutie and Dog damage are individual perks that both only work when things already go more wrong than they ever should, and then don’t even help much.
I doubt anything will change much, but having a resistance against “disablers” instead would be nice.
Given the alternatives, damage resistance perks probably can’t be too wide-ranging.
they seems spread out but they stack multiplicatively iirc(so you’re better off picking 3 different ones), and the alternatives are 5% toughness or hp.
Now ask yourself are your combined 20% really balanced against 5% tough/hp?
Pretty sure some CM said fatshark already have something planned for curios (as in rework or smth).
Though i might just have some false memories, you never know with those mushy mushy pathetic brains, not reliable for memory storage.
Would be good if true. Curios been needing a rework since the game came out, It’s nice the locks are gone completely from the game and by extension the curios. Really lets us customise our war gear properly.