Issue Description:
Patch 1.0.10 includes the following line in the fixes and tweaks section: “Fixed an issue where Ogryn could get stun-locked by Dreg Stalker, and Scab Stalker ranged attacks.”
Since then, Ogryn does indeed not get stunlocked by these anymore, but only when using the Latrine Shovel. With any other melee weapon, ranged attacks stun the Ogryn just like before.
As of the latest patch, 1.0.22, the shovel now no longer has this property either, meaning the line from 1.0.10 patchnotes (“Fixed an issue where Ogryn could get stun-locked by Dreg Stalker, and Scab Stalker ranged attacks.”) now is fully unimplemented and nonfunctional.
On a related note the special attack seems to have been nerfed too without any mention of it in the patchnotes.
Is it possible to get some sort of info on what the intended behavior is? Since Ogryn is now back to getting stunned by all small arms fire with all weapons. I do not understand what the line in patch 1.0.10:
“Fixed an issue where Ogryn could get stun-locked by Dreg Stalker, and Scab Stalker ranged attacks.”
is referring to.
Is Ogryn supposed to get stunned by dreg stalkers and scab stalkers or not?