One of my biggest pet peeves with Vermintide was the fact that you could not separate aiming and free-look mouse speeds, because I generally have very high sensitivity when just looking around, using melee and whatnot, versus when I’m ADS’ing and want more precise aiming. It really screws me up because I’m generally a headshot machine in an FPS game due to being able to tweak these settings, so seeing they have not done this for Darktide is pretty disappointing.
Yup, I cannot aim properly because of this. Unacceptable.
I wish this would more engagement, because I feel like maybe this is something they could address at some point.
It’s unreal this still has to be discussed in 2022. Mouse sensitivity is inconsistent between freelookc/ADS, sprinting/walking, third person/first person. It’s compounded with the terrible performance also.
Different sensitivities is standard in several FPS indeed. That would be a welcome addition.