Self-activating daemonhost on Hab Dreyko (Damnation w/ shock troop modifier)

I’m pretty sure we didn’t do anything to activate this daemonhost – we weren’t anywhere near it when it came to life:

Are unavoidable/self-activating daemonhosts an intended part of the shock troops mod? If not, then this seems like it might be a bug.

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It’s not intended or part of the condition.

It appears that damage somehow activated the Daemonhost here, but it’s very strange from the video!

We’ll keep an eye out for this. Thanks!

At 1:24 you can see how psyker brainbursted it.

Why it’s aggroed after – another question.


I have seen this outside Shock Gauntlet and I think it has something to do with the Daemonhost’s aggro calculation not resetting and hitting trigger point even when players are no longer in proximity. Its pretty rare but very scary.

It does look like it. Plus you can see the soulblaze aura around it afterwards (from the Wrack and Ruin feat), which maybe means the DOTs aggro’d it a second time? It’s happened to me before =P

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