Remove warpfire thrower postmortem sounds

Simply put, remove the dead warpfire “engine” sound effects or make them only play immediately on death. It’s very distracting in a bad way. Sometimes the sound will play even after 10 seconds (I may or may not be exaggerating) or more of the warpfire thrower being slain.

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I kinda love it, but I can see why it would bother others and be slightly disruptive.

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definitely a bug because even though it’s long dead and body disappeared, the location it died still emits the pained sounds.

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I am not talking about pain sounds, let me be clear. I am referring to the sound made after a warpfire thrower dies that you can still see the corpse but the sound it makes is easily mistaken for yet another living warpfire thrower-as if it’s about to fire again. Another idea is to make it a much different tone, as many sounds in the game are indistinguishable during chaotic periods especially.

yea, maybe i should have worded it correctly.

basically it still emits sounds that suggests it’s still alive, which makes me keep doing double-takes on the location, only to realise it’s the bugged sound.

i’ve adapted playstyle to acknowledge and ignore it, but still needs fixing.

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Speaking of postmortem sounds it would be nice if the Blightstormer also stopped singing nursery rhymes when he died instead of continuing for the next 15 seconds.

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Fine as it is.