Ranged enemies need serious work

There are a number of issues with ranged enemies in Darktide right now, and combining them all together makes for some very frustrating gameplay.

Suppression is nonexistent. Even if you’re willing to burn an entire magazine not hitting anything, enemies will not dive for cover. Not even killing multiple enemy squad members in rapid succession is enough. Poxwalkers I expect to have no self-preservation instinct, but Guards, even traitor guards, should still act like actual human beings.

Ranged enemies having 100% accuracy all the time is an absolutely terrible design decision, especially in moments you can’t avoid their fire because of lack of cover or being pinned by a special. Trying to suppress the enemy doesn’t change this, either. Enemies will stand there and shoot you with pinpoint accuracy and the only thing that will stop them is a hit with enough power to stagger them.

This gets even worse when you’re surrounded by a horde. We can’t shoot through squadmates, or enemies, but Shotgunners, Snipers, Trappers, Gunners, and all the rest will all be more than happy to shoot you through the middle of a horde, or even when you’re pinned by a Pox Hound or Mutant.

So what’s my suggestion to fix this? I’m not one to level criticism without suggestions to improve, so here are a few ideas.

First, have enemy accuracy linked to suppression. The first few shots should miss, maybe only 1/3rd of the shots hitting. As suppression builds and the player stays out of cover, the enemy becomes more accurate, building to the punishing ranged damage we’re dealing with now. Squadmates suppressing the enemy should lower their accuracy in turn, allowing the targeted player to reposition and get out of danger.

Second, have ranged enemies act like ranged enemies instead of turrets. In the tutorial, there’s a section about dashing through enemy fire. I have never seen this situation come up in organic gameplay. Ever. When a player takes cover, the enemy should continue firing at that area, maintaining suppression and preventing a peek-a-boo fight. The players should be able to do the same in turn, with Veterans and others keeping ranged enemies pinned while a Zealot or Ogryn closes on them to deliver the Emperor’s Mercy.

Third, have enemy ranged fire not phase through other enemies anymore, or prevent the enemy from shooting when their LOS is blocked. “The AI cheats” is a gaming trope as old as gaming itself, but this is “The AI breaks the rules of physics.”


I agree. I feel like ranged enemies at the moment are the most egregious problem in terms of gameplay.


I would also appreciate if ranged enemies had actual animations and acceleration so they don’t suddenly sprint away from you faster than you can catch up to them.

Another very egregious element : when taking cover by crouching behind waist-high cover, even if you cannot see ranged enemies, they can still shoot you if they want to. They’re just so accurate they can shoot your wig off, I guess ?!

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Ranged enemies really get to my nerves right now.

They are really too precise, the suppression mechanic doesn’t work and the worst of all? They litterally run toward us, surrounding us and shoot at us at point blank range!!

Really I got this one game I couldn’t hide anywhere because they were everywhere! This is ridiculous!

Those ranged enemies really ruins the fun!

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Regular traitor guard doing three round bursts with their lasguns seems excessive to. I’d like to see more of this suppression mechanic. It’d be good to use the Heavy Stubber like this but it’d need at least double the ammo pool for this to be viable across a mission .

I found the best way to deal with them is to get behind cover and play the angle game with them. Personally i like that. Feels like an actual firefight, instead of just being able to shoot at them in the open and have it turn out well for you.

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I feel diving for and using cover works pretty great. Playing the zealot, I feel I can go from cover to cover, slide, shoot, melee hit and have an awesome time and efficiency.

Although I agree that I get hit in my “wig”; as in, after diving into cover, there’s a tiny frigging margin where I keep getting hit…

I also agree that enemies are a tad too static and tower-like.

However, I disagree about their accuracy: there’s a big flash before they start shooting you, and if you dodge (space+arrow) they’ll miss their shot, which feels amazing imho.

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