So just some thoughts after a bunch of testing around…
Overall i still think Psyker is fine and very good balanced, but since i´ve played both, force weapons and normal ones, i would go so far to say that the staves just lack behind compared to guns.
I know some poeple will be like “wtf”, but guns will do their job and mostly bring more and faster damage to the table. You miss the buffs a vet have, but there are also no real buffs for force-weapons in the whole tree but Psykinetic´s Wrath. The rest is still about quelling, BB and the use of the ultimate.
So based on this experience i got from testing and playing different weapons / builds, i would like to tweak the staves and some feats.
- Staves should be able to generate warpcharges in general with a little percentage on kill. Since all of them work different and those with sick waveclear will have a huge advantage, the percentages should be different.
So far Purgatus / Voidstrike could´ve something like a 2% chance and Surge / Trauma 3-4%.
This will open different ways to build across the feats without relying on BB too much while maintaining warpcharges.
- Unless you play Purgatus, which has a good damage pool against everything, you´re more or less forced to play a melee weapon with armor-pierce like the axes, chainsword or atleast a forcesword where you spam the special all day long.
I´m fine to say that the Voidstrike is fine aswell, because the overall possibilites the staff offers are great and not every staff should be able to do everything anyway. But i would like to see some tweaks / buffs to Surge and Trauma…
a) Surgestaff
- This one is the most limited if we talk about the targets. the range is limited and it just can´t compete that good with the others if we talk about waveclear.
That´s why i would like to see this stuff becoming the first choice if we talk about armored enemies, Ogryns, maybe Mutants aswell.
It shouldn´t be on the level of Bolter, which is still broken in my eyes, but it should be the Bolter under the staves. This will not just make the choice to pick it more of a thing, it´ll also let waveclear-melee weapons shine while playing a staff and doesn´t rely on those armor-piercing weapons i named above.
b) Traumastaff
This one has great cc, but it clearly lacks range, somewhat damage and eats a lot of peril.
First of all i would like to see a change to the target system. It´s weird to look into the air while channeling, just to reach enemies further away. This should be shortcutted and more on point.
Second… since the secondary action seems fine with its utility, i would like to see a little buff on the primary “bolt”, which offers a synergy to the secondary. The bolt could mark the hitted enemy up to X meters of range. Now the player is able to cast the secondary on the marked enemy on the same range.
Such a change will of course need a bit more of skill / micro-management, but it´ll help to increase the range you can use this staff and can help the team to push in such poor range-fights we all know about.
As been said, i wouldn´t touch the other 2 staves yet, because they do their job fine and while one have answers to everything, the other have a huge waveclear and range.
- Now about the feats… atleast 2 of them are too situational, and others should be changed for more gameplay-impact in my eyes.
a) Psykinetic´s Wrath
- This one should switch the place with “Mind in Motion” and change in its core. Instead of just giving us 5-15% more damage while sitting on high peril, it should actually buff how staves work like:
“Choosing this perk will tweak the secondary attacks of all staves.”
a1) The Traumastaff could work as before, but after the initial explosion, it could cast a second ring of explosion for some extra damage (no cc involved).
Like it´s shown on the picture, it´s just a ring around the first explosion and won´t hit the center a 2nd time.
This could help for a bit more waveclear, but without the cc that already let this staff shine.
a2) The Surgestaff could set the initial target under electricity and if the player casts the lightning again on the target, then it´ll cause a little explosion.
a3) The Voidstrike could get a chance of 15-20% or so to leave a little flame-wall on the ground ticking with 2-3 stacks of soulblaze or so.
a4) The Purgatusstaff could give some damage-resistence like 2,5% per burning enemy, which stacks up to 10 times and lasts 10s.
It´s just some brainstorming, but it could help to deal with some drawbacks and to bring a bit more to the table than just “more damage if…”.
b) Based on the fact the “Mind in Motion” is now in the level 10 feat tree, it should combined with “Inner Tranquility”. Just let this perk get ride of the bit of movement punish while still giving 5% Peril resistence. This will be a good trait for staves for sure.
c) Now we would´ve “Wrack and Ruin” and an open slot left in the level 10 tree.
c1) Wrack and Ruin needs a little rework anyway. This trait is way too situational right now and the 2 stacks of damage aren´t a big deal, unless you throw the ultimate with soulblaze on top of it.
Since we don´t have something that assists guns, i would like to see this trait becoming one. It could be like “bullets are praised with some psyker-magic”. This could actually be like “critical hits or headshots will cause soulblaze on enemies up to 3 stacks”.
Such a trait would let soulblaze more shine and also rewards skill more in general.
c2) The last missing feat could be around BB as wrack and ruin before, but more in kind of “BB stacks its damage based on peril”, which will offer to reach better breakpoints, and "kills with BB on elites or specials will grant 2 stacks of warpcharges and increase maximum amount of stacks up to 6.
d) “Warp battery” will now store 2 more warpcharges, not 6 as maximum. This means if you skilled the new BB feat at level 10, you can have up to 8 warpcharges.
e) “Kinetic overload” should be tweaked to be like “gaining a warpcharge OR casting BB successfully will…, but every enemy can only be targeted once with soulblaze”. This change would make this trait less situational, but wouldn´t be broken if we talk about soulblazestacks on bosses, crushers, whatever without a 2nd source.
f) “Quicken”… The utility is there, but it should be tweaked to lose only half the warp-charges and based on how many you currently own, the higher the cdr is. (2 stacks = 25% / 4 stacks = 40% / 6 stacks = 55% / 8 stacks = 65%)
g) “Ascendant Blaze”… it´s one of my favorites, but with the changes to be able to gain 8 warpstacks and overall being able to get more soulblaze-stacks from different sources, the stacks should be locked on 5 and you´ll only lose those 5 stacks, even if you sit on 8.
In this case Ascendant Blaze will still do its job, but won´t punish poeple wo wants to run on high warpcharges.
I´m sure such changes are clearly not perfect and there are some poeple who will always prefer stats instead of utility or “gimmicks”. But i do think that my brainstorming will do a lot positive to Psyker without changing its current core. It´ll also allow players to engage on the feats with more variety, it´ll let the staves more shine in comparison to guns and even BB-user will find something with more impact. (Numbers written down might be need some tweaks, they´re just some examples based on the personal balancing experience.
I hope i haven´t forgot something…