Psyker Stave Issues

Well hello there,

I got about 30 Hours playing Psyker only.

So far i have noticed 2 Issues with the Psyker Staves, first of, sometimes their Melee attack does not animate, i still hit the Enemies but the Staff remains in its usual holding position. There doesn’t seem to be a specific location or trigger, it just randomly happens here and there.

Another with the Lightning Staff, it doesn’t seem to be able to target anything with the charged lightning attack when trying to target things on a floor below you, standing on the edge of a platform and so on, even though things are close enough, it is like there is an invisibile wall blocking its targeting. This is reproducable at pretty much any location where enemies are below you. With very few exceptions.

Well little update on the Lightning Staff, after getting a new Staff it seems to work just fine in most Situations, sadly discarded the old one so can’t share that here, incase it was trait related.


I have not experienced the first issue described but I have experienced the vertical lightning bug. I am using the Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff.

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