Issue Description:
I was playing power matrix HL-17-36 - high intensity gauntlet - power supply interruption modifier on heresy, and we got to the bit just before you have to drop down into the room with the data interrogator event and medicaid station, only we couldn’t progress because there was no drop down? The wall was bricked up with no opening to drop down - there was a demon host nearby so i don’t know if that’s related?
Steps to Reproduce:
As above
Mission Name (If Applicable):
power matrix HL-17-36
[Steam/Microsoft Store] Steam PC
Player ID: Kronic19
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone: 17:00 ish GMT
Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
Don’t know. I’ve only encountered it once. I’m not keen to try and reproduce it, because i had to play through most of the mission only to have to quit out with no rewards
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