Power Matrix HL-17-36 unable to proceed to cryonic rod elevator activation area

So im not sure if the recent patch decide to wall up the place where we jump down to place servoskulls to activate the cryonic rods to the elevator. there are no other doors or area we could go to, to proceed to the area. backtracked down the stairs but it doesnt seem to make sense, either that or i’m dumb.

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Yeah, I can confirm this.

I was playing on Heresy with special conditions Hi-Intensity Gauntlet (Power Supply Interruption).

The team & I came to the point where you got to drop down & load the coolant.

ONLY the drop down point is GONE, I mean it’s NOT THERE ANYMORE.

We looked for another way, thinking “maybe they patched the map?”… Nope.

You can’t go any further…


ye it just happened to me aswell, so annoying, what in the world have they done

we are still here pls help

EDIT i killed myself to see where i spawn

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