Possible Death Guard activity on Atoma?

Found this on the new train map, its a miasmic malignifier.

We know the 6th were corrupted on Nox Alpha, a planet already heavily corrupted by Nurgle, this is where we hear about Wolfers and Gortuns new priests who give the other guardsmen the creeps so we know the 6th were fighting human cultists.

So while we’re seeing a lot of corruption and growths caused by the daemonic infestation could this malignifier be a nod towards the DG themselves being present somewhere? If they are though they’re definitely not there in force though as Wolfer is running the show and has voicelines along the lines of “consult the witches, I’ll take anything at this point”. I’d imagine if the DG were active, even if only in small numbers, they’d make more of an effort to defend key points such as the phage tree.

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There will be no CSM nor DG in Darktide.

FS has already stated about that multiple times.

As on why we see those as they are shown in Death Guard miniatures, cause FS use a lot of things that are inspired by different miniatures, but it doesn’t mean that those factions are on Atoma, like the various vehicles (and weapons) from the GSC.

Those are just “Nurglite corrupted tools”


All I can find them stating Space Marines won‘t be player characters, which makes perfect sense. I never found them stating that heretical Astartes won’t be enemies - let alone stating that several times.

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Originally posted by Hedge:
This game will not have Space Marines - neither playable nor as an antagonist.


As Hedge himself famously said, the truth can change. This is exactly what he meant. I wouldn’t take this as rock solid proof that it’ll never happen. It’s more that he was saying it’s not currently planned (as of 2022 when that post was written)



Could you give an update on this, is it still current ?

Originally posted by Hedge:
This game will not have Space Marines - neither playable nor as an antagonist.

Thank you in advance


this still leaves the option of fatshark making space marines playable for themselves to have a bit of fun with the community. it would be fun to see AND compensate for the average dev’s skill level when surprising people in higher difficulties! kekeke…

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Unlikely, while Death Guard are the usual “mortal” champions of Nurgle, they aren’t involved in everything Nurgle is involved in and Nurgle can just as easily use other mortal lackeys and the other “champions”.


Well thats something. Probably for the best to keep the marines out so Darktide can be its own thing and not just another marine game.

There is a difference between a miasmic malignifier and a goliath truck or netter though: The goliath truck is a civilian vehicle used by the GSC and a netter is an arbites weapn so it makes sense a GSC on an Imperial weapon would have access to them. A malignifier on the other hand, thats something that is specifically Nurgle aligned, not just a corrupted tool.

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Yes, Nurgle aligned. Not Death Guard.

Miniature wise Chaos Cultist are quite under represented. So it make sense to use DG scenery to build stuff


As soon as I started seeing those Death Guard assets placed about, I was hyped for the possibility of their coming presence on Atoma. Still holding out :pensive:

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Good eye!

The most excitement about Space Marines in Darktide I’ve seen was the forums discussing a possibly boss fight vs one.

In game, not so much.