Please, give us a DATE

well i have a mod that allows me to see all cosmetics even unreleased cosmetics.
sadly its no longer being updated and the mod author has taken it down so ya.

when i look over the 21st mobian which is the name of the Vanguard cosmetics.
they arnt complete, theirs some floating markings, some text floats over the armor not on it.

which is likely why they havent been released. they dont want to release it broken.
so i cant fault them for that, they want to release them complete.

I don’t think FS has ever once actually hit a stated deadline or promised release date, like they can’t even hit within a week of their stated goal most of the time. At a certain point they just stopped giving dates because they’re incapable of getting it done on time.

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Yes, the gentleman I was replying to said 2x next week, meaning week AFTER next…which would be December.

Oh ok. I saw on Reddit some folks had data mined it, and they looked complete from the pics I saw. So I was excited lol. But that makes sense.

You need to have played sometime before that date, not necessarily between the time of the announcement and the 17th.

If you’re not sure if you played for the first time prior to the 17th, I’m pretty sure steam (or the Microsoft store) would track that in some fashion

Here you go, friend.


Lets not pretend here that FS managed to keep the deadlines before XBOX launch

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