Please add the option to disable crosshairs and/or hitmarkers

Made an account just to post this, I would really like this option to be added. It would make the game more immersive for those who wish it and for some like me, it would actually make the game easier to play due to not having a distracting crosshair in the middle of the screen. I actually play better without a crosshair believe it or not and have started to develop a habit of holding down TAB during gameplay to hide the crosshairs…

If any developer sees this post, please add it as an option in the game settings. It should be easy to implement and Vermintide 2 had this option, letting you choose not only between having them on or off but also letting you have them on only for melee or ranged weapons depending on preference.

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There’s a mod for this.

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But it’s not official support. I’m playing the game using Geforce Now, so mods are not an option.

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