Issue Description (Required):
I’ve been trying to play on my Series X and S today and the framerates are very poor. Easily sub 30 on Series S. On performance mode on Series X it’s never hitting 60. It’s wildly inconsistent, sometimes dropping to close to 30, and it doesn’t even seem relative to the amount of action on screen. I’m using default FoV. I’ve disabled motion blur. Surely it muct be possible to add some more graphical options such as LoD bias, volumetric quality, ragdolls etc etc so that we can at least try and scrape some performace back as your performance mode seems to be anything but performant currently. What is weird though after searching the internet is that some people aren’t experiencing these issues… so what could be causing people on identical hardware to have such vastly different experiences? note: this is the only game with which the performance is so bad so I don’t think theres any hardware issues.
Secondly… the turn speed is also wildly inconsistent, almost like that’s tied to the framerate. Sometimes it’ll turn incredibly slowly for around a second or 2 and then suddenly snap back to the proper turn speed. If I disable acceleration on the controller it fixes it somewhat but it’s still not great due to the inconsistent frame rate. So something seeems broken with the controller acceleration.
after 3 games today I’d had enough and sacked it off.
please try and fix these perfoamnce issues on Xbox as the game is great, it’s just wholly unenjoyable at the minute, for those of us experiencing the performance issues.
almost forgot to mention… the audio drops out and crackles all the time too, like the series X is just running out of resources to process everything at once. again, doesn’t happen in any of my other games. Oddly, the console isn’t even running warm after playing for an hour or more.
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