Penances “Get off me!”, "Make a Dash For It” and "That the Best You've Got?"not tracking!

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

“Get off me!” requires player to push 50 Pox Hounds mid-air. i been powering threw Penances and decided to take this one on.
however since starting to grind them out I’ve been stuck at 48/50 i feel ive pushed Hounds targeting me my allies,
even on fresh spawn Pox Hounds that definitely did not get staggered by teammates before.

"Make a Dash For It” and “That the Best You’ve Got?” not tracking! as both require the player to dodge or sprint to avoid fire from Gunners Reapers respectfully.
both arnt making progress from what i can see, now i dont know if i just have to sprint or dodge, which i have tested alot.
i have not tested this with the “Stripped Down” Blessing, going to test that soon, ill let you know.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Load into any match (preferably with Shock Troop Gauntlet modifier for more specialist spawns)
  2. Select “Get off me!”, "Make a Dash For It” and "That the Best You’ve Got” penances for tracking (in mission overlay UI)
  3. Push Dog’os and avoid Gunner / Reaper fire.
  4. Observe no progress made on either penance in the mission overlay UI

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam