Overwatch penance exploit

Issue Description:
I crashed near the end of the train mission (in the boss room, the crash happened as I was being downed) and when I reconnected into the game it was in the end-game screen and the game behaved as though I completed the challenge and gave me the cosmetic because it assumed that since I joined at the end I hadn’t taken any melee damage.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Crash (or exit, i guess) game near the end of the mission as sharpshooter on malice difficulty
  2. Reconnect at mission end

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Train assassination mission (unknown if it works for all missions but I imagine the logic holds)

Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/19/2022 9:20AM NZDT

Reproduction Rate:

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I wanted to add that I just had this same bug happen on the same mission (Chasm Station, Chasm Terminus, Assassination)