Operatives into bots

Something I enjoyed about VT2 was the fact you could select and customise your team for solo play.

Once this comes to DT, I think it would be fun to be able to use other operatives as your bot team-mates in a similar way.

I’m sure there might be some balance considerations to take into account, but just a thought I had.


Made a thread about this too. I really really hope they will make this into reality. Since the basic prison pijama Sharpshooter bots are useless beyond any level. Sadly there are many things which worked well in Vermintide but for some reason decided to change it here for the worse.

But they confirmed there will be local hosted private game mode. So i hope they will manage to do this bot mechanic too


Glad others think the same, and yes, let’s hope so :slight_smile: