Ogryn can’t vault over fences, needs like 10 attempts on some fences. Some ledges work fine, but certain heights of fences just wont let him do it unless you try 5-10 times. Used to be fine, but was broken in a patch some months ago and was broken since
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Go to a map with a fence
try to vault over it as Ogryn
some fences simply wont let you do it unless lucky or trying 10 times
aint a recent thing, this sticking to railings that should easily be vaultable is the bane of many a run for ages now.
everytime it was brought up it amounted to nothing, sadly, in terms of getting a priority placing on the to do list.
some say keep pressing the jump button when sometimes its a matter of getting the highest point of the jumping curve before meeting the obstacle.
jumping while touching the obstacle seem to just scrape along with no checkpoint of clearing it.
oddly enough its the only thing about the physics you can’t “feel” or anticipate after a certain amount of hours getting used to how movement works in the game.
the times you fail under pressure/fire are just to random to find a repeatable reason (too far,low,what angle etc.)
as for now i take alternative routes whenever possible to minimize getting stuck with your giant pants down.
try the little platforms in front of the train openings in ascension riser for example next time you stop by.
depending what side you chose to vault it, its really a hit or miss.(the sides seem more accessible than the front even if they’re exactly the same height)
some railings that got metal sheets,debris as decoration added are prone to it as well.
I hear ya, Eventually the Ogryn can make it. The problem is waiting UNTIL it happens. the room for error on higher difficulty doesnt allow for this window.
The inconsistency with the ledge jump is the issue. You cannot rely on an Ogryn to make it over a hurdle, which can kill/end the run.
Big Man’s got it the worst, that’s for sure. I’ve noticed this becoming a problem in Excise Vault, Hab Dreyko and a handful of others on ALL classes, but Ogryn’s got the most difficulties. Poor big lad’s legs are too stumpy and the Bone’ead implant doesn’t work all the time.