Issue Type (Required):
Player Mechanics
Issue Description (Required):
as title. Ogryn can’t vault over some fences consistently still. Try the ones in the train station assassination mission mid event (the servo skull interrogation), up on the walkways. Those are one of the (but not the only ones) that are broken and don’t let Ogryns vault consistently.
Tried different keybinds. Holding down button. Tried looking up or down while doing it. Nothing makes it consistent.
Please, please give this some amount of priority because dying because a basic game mechanic decided not to work is some absolutely infuriating stuff. It used to work perfectly fine before patch 13 or 14 I forget. Just revert whatever you did to ogryn vaulting. Absolutely frustrating to have such a basic movement bug for months and months.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
- Go to fence as ogryn
- Try to vault over
- notice it doesn’t work and now poxwalkers eat your butthole
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Often (<75%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam