Issue Description:
Ogryn’s charge is getting stopped a lot randomly.
Whether it be from a small enemy, just running across the ground, charging into a group of enemies, charging a mutant, it just stops at random times and doesn’t work.
I’ve tested this with and without the Unstoppable talent, which is supposed to allow you to charge through anything that’s not a Monstrosity (Boss).
This has been a problem since the closed beta. It’s getting frustrating not being able to charge to a teammate to even get 1/4th of the distance you’re supposed to get.
I used to be able to charge mutants before while they’re running, but now it seems that’s no longer possible, which is unfortunate.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Play Ogryn
- Charge at different enemies/out in the open/near walls
- Watch your Ogryn just stop dead in front of them, seemingly at random.
- If lucky, you won’t even charge at all, but it’ll still consume the ability.
Player ID:
Concoction of Constitution
Reproduction Rate:
Common (33%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
Link in case embedding doesn’t work
This shows me charging both a Mutant and a Crusher in different instances and having my charge get eaten but not going through (This is with the lvl 30 talent Unstoppable)
Upload Console Log:
I’ve uploaded the log, but I’m crashing a lot so I don’t know if it’s this one or not.