Not like you're giving us much of a choice, Hadron


I have no screenshot, but I love when she says the following:



Entirely in-character to be honest:
->Do Investigation mission
->Swarmed by enemies
->On the way to objective, but obviously don’t want to die
→ “Servoskull outpacing Servoteam. Unacceptable!”
→ “If you lose my servoskull, I shall look to you for a replacement!”
→ “The Servoskull awaits for your data! I await your compliance!”
→ “Must I beg for you to deliver the data? Alright. I humbly beseech you to upload your data to the servoskull!”
→ “Please be good Varlets and upload your data to the servoskull. Life is such a fleeting pleasure.”
→ “Varlets… Take magic box from pocket. Point it at things until it goes green. Even you can do that… can you?”
->All of this and she wasn’t even waiting 5 mins, while you were fighting for your life

Some strong character writing and acting there. The most insufferable c…of the Tide games.

i always wondered how they keep track of our mission so precisely, and a servo skull accompany us, would solve that neatly

“I hope you are pleased, Varlet.”

Hadron I just spent 4,000+ plasteel in one sitting and got almost exclusively tier 2 blessings. I’m definitely not pleased!

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I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not, but at least for in mission dialogue Hadron is easily one of the best characters in Dark Tide, because she has an actual character.

It always makes me just a little bit uncomfortable whenever I hear her say:
“Completion imminent.”
Okay, I know the mission is going well but settle down Hadron, jeez…

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This is why I hope we get more Morrow soon, he’s so prototypical 40k but its funny.


I’ll put that in the same thing as us being called “Rejects” in official communications hahaha
A sad joke at our expense

I figured they had something integrated into our gear itself. After all we get everything loaned out, including the weapons. See:
“Many have born your arms before you. Afters will after your passing.”

So all our gear will be taken off of us and they will give it to another cannon fodder when we die. The same will be true for the armor.

yea but the imperium isn’t exactly known for helmet cams

No, but I think some of the cosmetic armor already has visors and mouthpieces integrated. Something like that.

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