No progress in QP Quests for CW games

Hi! I usually do the 10 QP weekly Quest in Chaos Wastes because the whole expedition counts as 5 so it is shortest way to do that. It counts as 5 whenever I manage to start an expedition solo (which unfortunately isn’t very often because you can check the box for solo playing only after entering the map). If the game joins someone at start, sometimes the individual maps played count as QPs or the whole expedition counts as one QP - I don’t know how it works myself.
Today because it’s Monday morning I was hoping the game would allow me to play QP solo, but I joined someone on the second map. We successfully completed the expedition, but to my surprise I have 0 progress in both the daily 3 QPs Quest and the weekly 10 QPs Quest.
How is it possible?

Hi @ZinStonehead,

Sorry to hear this.

For Adventure mode, if you QP into a map, you get QP rewards. It doesn’t matter if QP made you host a new lobby or if you join an in-progress Custom game lobby.

Though, if you QP into the Keep and then the host starts a Custom map this then won’t count as QP.

I believe Chaos Wastes should work in a similar way.

I’ve raised this with our QA team and we’ll check things out, as it’s possible that there may be an underlying bug.

Thank you for the report!

Thx for the info I hope you can find a solution. .-)


could you please also look into weave quickplay counting towards the weekly 10 quickplay Shilling achievement. Last time i checked (a few Patches ago) it didnt count towards the weekly. Is this still the case and if yes is this the way intended?
Thank you!

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