Shame there wasn’t anything more exciting in the vestures rotation but at least the event seems cool. I’m guessing it’s that’s sneaky plague Ogryn model they have in their back pocket but will see
It is a bit of an anticlimax really. Oooh, slightly more Ogryns that unusual. At least when they did the 21st Moebian one it felt like something a bit fresher (or more rotten, to be more accurate to Nurgle).
i WOULDNT KNOW the mission board refuses to give me anything other than vent purge and power outage.
cant believe i waited 6 minutes for that reset.
i would start another “mission board bad thread” but like 30 different people would jump me with “uhhh vent purge is actually good”
Had the same issue. Played a couple of missions, went off to do stuff, came back and not a mission on the board. Did a pox mission. Nothing afterwards. Just came back after I went away again and this is the mission board right at this second for me:
It’s not a bad modifier, I’m just bitter because I know exactly it’ll be removed later. I’d rather all the events would enter the regular modifier rotation because it needs more variety. This event format is really, really horrible for that reason. Why not use the event as an excuse to introduce a new modifier permanently? Like to celebrate that you added a new modifier? Instead it has to be FOMO.
(edit: come to think of, this is how they used to work - like the light’s out event that introduced daemonhosts, or the hunting pack event that unfortunately went on way too long)
At least maybe we’ll get it as a Havoc modifier in a couple months when they drop their batch of “new” Havoc content.
Yeah I still really want the moebians on the normal modifier rotation.
It’s so weird that they take them away again. It makes no sense.
As you say, why not just make it an introduction event?
The hounds and snipers modifiers are beyond the worst of the modifiers and they seem to be constant for some reason. They’re terrible. I ignore any game with those modifiers which is frustrating as that’s about 60% of the mission board at any given time!
Has anyone else been seeing the event missions amongst the standard ones? There is one for Auric Heresy and Auric Damnation, but nothing on the regular mission listings. I’ve played two so far, but that was hours ago at the time I’m writing this and I’ve not seen another regular mission with the modifier since.
It’d be more interesting if it wasn’t just a trigger event but actually changed the map spawns to be more ogryns. Currently it’s just playing a normal auric (often not even histg) game and then suddenly 2 or 3 of every ogryn type spawn and gets instantly stomped because they’re just walking forward without any horde or shooter support.