Nerf gunners, add cooldown to slides, remove Gunner Resistance from curios

With the newest patch the Gunners have been buffed to be much more threatening at any range, and mobile to boot.

I don’t like this change since it punishes mistakes even more heavily, without doing anything to alleviate the actual core issues that makes them unthreatening to the best of players - that they don’t get hit in the first place.

I can keep sliding throughout the entire mission, but I don’t believe that to be a fun form of gameplay. And I think the gunner buff was brought in as a response to the best of players considering them to be a non-issue. I can understand that point of view, but I don’t think the entire game should be tailored to 0.01% of it’s community if it becomes much less enjoyable to the majority of players in the process. Sure, the game should favour skill expression but there are limits.

Instead of players learning to powerslide throughout the entire mission (or “getting better” as those advocating for this kind of playstyle would call it), it seems people just opt for taking counters such as Telekine Dome, Voice of Command etc. more often without adapting their behavior in the slightest. Which is exactly what anyone with half a brain would have expected to happen. The most meta things became even more meta, and the only surprise for me here was that Smoke Grenades still don’t see much used - that is until I gave them another try recently and it became immediately apparent that they don’t help in countering the Gunner/Shooter mobs half as much as the solid defensive measures.

I don’t like this state of things, so I thought I should voice my opinion here. It feels like the Gunners are being balanced around the 0.01% of players who run around with Dueling Sword or Knife and powerslide for the entire match without taking a single shot and all the VoC veterans with triple stacked 20% Gunner Resistance curios who can just facetank an entire ranged squad without batting an eye. I don’t think it’s healthy for the game in any way.

My proposed solution is in the title: Nerf the gunners to reasonable levels, and nerf the powersliding as well to make them a threat in that way instead. I don’t think it to be some controversial opinion if I claim that powersliding meta is laughable, unimmersive and not really fun.
As for Gunner Resistance on curios, I don’t think that should be a thing either. You can’t balance their damage output properly if it exists - you either balance around players who don’t take it and then you can pretty much ignore them if you do, or you balance around those resistances being present and suddenly players are forced to either do so or become an ice-skating sweatlord. That doesn’t sound like a healthy state of matters either.

I have some dim recollection of Fatshark saying that curios will be reworked somewhere in the future. If that is the case, then I believe we should nerf the gunners now, as I do not trust the Fatshark to remember to do so at a later point when designing the new curio system.
And if I’m mistaken in that regard and no curio rework has been announced, then some slight alteration could be done instead (eg. reducing the Damage Resistance bonus from curios to 8-10%, perhaps stacking additively).


Yes, I think this suggestion would be for the better of this game. Occasional sliding is cool. That ridiculous non-stop sliding to engage in firefights should never have been a thing to begin with.

Any balance change that aims to counter this abuse of a game mechanic hurts the general gameplay like we see now with the return of gunfight stalemates, espcially in those missions with large spaces where gunners are hiding in the corners or on elevated positions.


My opinion is that topicstarter is heretic.

He is clearly member of chaos gunners club.


This being said by a person that has nurgle of beast as avatar…


Ye… how can i not recognize my chaos brother?)

yeah its like when VT2 launched without effective/ineffective dodges (dodge limit). it was a horrible band aid rip and we heard constant moaning about how the skill expression of weapons like dual dagger M1 and slide spams were killed forever. but it was done for the better of the game.

here they’re the dog chasing their own tail trying to make hard without nerfing player movement (more). you could slide-dodge almost 10m on flat ground when the game came out with some weapons. I have no idea why slides don’t have a flat counter (please don’t disadvantage heavy weapons more than they already are). they should definitely be limited but not in a way that affects choice of equipment.


To add insult to injury, the dodge slides work differently across the archetypes too further complicating and unbalancing things, bigly.


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