Necromancer Dread Seneschal Incorrect Values

Hello all, hope your day is going well. I apologize if this rather should have gone in the Bugs category, I figured Feedback would be acceptable.

Dread Seneschal tells the user that each skeleton you have has 50% increased damage and health, however based from what I see with the damage numbers mod, skeleton health is only boosted by 20% per skeleton. This is assuming the Damage Numbers mod is accurate.

Sidenote: You might think that each skeleton has a health/damage boost adding up to 50% (8.33% per skeleton), but I do not believe that to be the case.

-Damage Numbers Mod
-True Solo Mod
-Creature Spawner Mod
-Cataclysm Difficulty
-I used Chaos_Warriors (CW) as a test
-Had Skeletons in the neurtal state (follow Sienna)


Section One: No Increased Health (Army of Undead)
(For reference, the Army of Undead talent does not boost Skeleton health)

-CW Downswipe Damage to Players: 150
-CW Damage to Skeletons: 37.50 (1/4 of 150)
-Skeleton Recall HP Value: 67.50
-Additive Damage Once Killed: 67.50
-Projected Skeleton HP: 67.50 multiplied by the ratio of 4-1 player-skeleton health ratio, you get 270 effective skeleton HP

Section Two: Increased Health (Dread Seneschal)
(As a reminder Dread Seneschal says the HP boost should be 50% for the skeletons)

-Projected New Skeleton Effective HP: 270 multiplied by 1.50 ratio, you get 405 effective skeleton HP which after the 4-1 ratio brings it down to a projected 101.25 (aka what the Damage Numbers Mod should read)

-CW Downswipe Damage to Players: 150
-CW Damage to Skeletons: 37.50
-Skeleton Recall HP Value: 84.50 (20.12% larger)
-Additive Damage Once Killed: 84.50 (20.12% larger)
-Projected Skeleton HP: 84.50 multiplied by the ratio of 4-1 player-skeleton health ratio, you get 338 effective skeleton HP, expected was 405

Conclusion: Dread Seneschal says the health boost for all skeletons should be 50%, but it appears to be 20.12%. I could be wrong, maybe I had a mathematical error but what do you think? Thanks for reading