My personal review and opinion on the state of Darktide after 1800h ingame

Yeah Ogyrn is limited, yet nearly every ranged weapon do have its purpose.

the amount of Ogyrn who just holding left click all game long or Rumbler spamming mobile artillery piece.

Also ripper gun is doing quite well!

when it comes to veteran, mostly its burst damage guns, Revolvers/Bolter/Plasma, most of the other ranged weaponry fills a niche (situational role) , while burst damage guns can snipe troublesome specialists as a trapper among a wave , or a leaping poxhound, while laos multi penetrate targets which allows lining up elites waves easily.

Revolvers and Plasma are pretty much most common. But there other weopns. Recon Lasgun 7, Heavy Laspistols, Colomnus, Braced Agripina etc. Not really niche tbh. Just need a good build and a good melee weapon. And the perks and blessings of course. Can i kill a crusher easily with my melee weapon, i don’t a gun that does the same. Balancing the loadout is the key here. PS: Nerfing the Ammo Auro of the Veteran was a little harsh, but necessary. To many people just run with the most ammo inefficient weapons and shot every trash mob they saw.

They are common due to how good they ammo efficiency is and the lining up, also multi purpose of engagement, as revolver can take down 4 shotgunners in 1 shot, and plasma able to do the same.

My build is PS III & Agripinaa Infantry Autogun, the build was good patch 13-14 , patch 15 got nerfed , and every patch after is just nerf.

if i do engage specialists/elites/ranged shooters (excluding bulwark+crusher+mauler), i use about 3-4 magazines per room, thats nearly 30% of allocated ammo, unlike revolver for example, I do require 3-4 clips while engaging (Crusher+mauler+bulwark).

with each update rendering more options to non-meta. although latest update gave Recon lasgun a place.

Thank you Pyro!

I have to agree with everything you stated.
Although I feel inclined to add something to your list of post-update bugs:
It seems that almost all major updates are rushed. At least there seems to be no or rather poor optimization. Especially the “Path to Redemption” Update left me and a few others with rather significant performance issues, making the game barely playable.
On top of that I still don’t get Fatsharks approach to their loyal hardcore players. I’d never expected that Updates would care to us,since the game lacked way too much beginner friendliness. I always felt satisfied and had my fun with the game and tried to share my passion with others and get them interested in Darktide.
But with every major update I felt more and more that the developer had no real aim or vision for the game. There were some minor quality of life improvements here, some new mechanic there and so on. After experiencing the changes ingame though, a lot of it felt either like an empty husk or not thought out at all though. For example the class overhaul clearly showed that Fatshark had no clue, about what aim they had with the Veteran Sharpshooter with its talent trees being released unfinished at first.
The abyssmal communications, both in quantity and quality, underlined that issue for me and some friends.
But I was still willing to go with it. So far it all worked out in the end for me. I still had fun playing the game. And I always told myself that Fatshark was working toward fixing the most important issue:
Randomness and the crafting system.
Which in my experience of bringing new players to the game was the biggest letdown and issue of the game. Especially for more casual players.
But even now, more than 1,5 years later it is just empty promises.
So, when Fatshark announced “Path to Redemption” as a big new update, I got my hopes up that at least that update would address some of the minor issues the game had.
I was expecting some more new beginner friendly penances, not just allowing newcomers to unlock cool stuff, but also maybe guide them in some sort of way. And for us veteran players, done with all the penances already for some time, some new stuff to grind for. Reworking the maps also seemed like a cool, small gesture toward the playerbase.
But all I got was a reality check, that finally made me realize my doubt about a lack of direction was spot on all the time. Like in so many updates before, the devs seem to be convinced that lowering standards and difficulty is the way to go to attract new players and improve their experience, instead of tackling the issues of deeply flawed systems and mechanics.
Why that has to go hand in hand with screwing over the loyal, longterm players again and again, I’ll probably never understand.
Like somebody mention earlier here: With over 2k hours in the game, I got my moneys worth. Yet I still want to love the game, but am compelled to feel indifference.

Thank you Pyronatics again for this post and the fun time purging heretics. It was a pleasure to have been fighting at your side.
Cheers zinkwanne


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