Mission will not load, black screen

here is your game loading lol

Hi Grave. Does this happen often or all of the time, or only sometimes? Is it a specific mission or missions? Lastly, would you be able to upload a console log from a session in which this occurred?

Upload Console Log:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload here

The logs dates are screwy so I cannot find the log.
Only happens sometimes.

Don’t sweat it for now. If it happens again, it should be easier to get a log from the next occurrence.