Mission selection QOL suggestion [yet another post.]

This post assumes the mission select in it’s current state will remain, for whatever vision fatshark has for it [for better or worse]. I’m not here to discuss removing it, it’s been talked to death elsewhere. This is merely a suggestion to help the team with the as of now map selection alongside the player base.

I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes myself but looking over feedback [both heavily and lightly worded] I think a single change can be made to the system which would offer better player choice.

Missions appear, sometimes duplicated maps and some with modifiers, sometimes both. But the biggest issue I and many others have found was finding one on our desired difficulty setting.

Simpley removing the difficulty lock on the missions that pop up and allowing players to choose whatever map that cropped up and select their challenge will at the very least up the options given to them by at least 3 times the norm.

Players get more choice and feel less pigoen holed into playing the same tiles over, The random elements of map and modifier popups remain. it’s a small but meaningful addition.

This will also help in events fun events like blackout appear but players feel cheated there is no blockout on their desired difficulty.


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