Missing dialogue between Cadian sharpshotter and bodyguard ogryn

Issue Description:
The female cadian sharpshooter is missing some voiceline when interacting whit Bodyguard ogryn. For exemple, usally when player A is on a killing spree, player B will compliment then player A will banter back but for some reason atm the female cadian just completely ignore the poor ogryn :frowning:. It may also happened whit the male version of the cadian sharpshooter or other ogryn type but i didn’t test it

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play as female cadian sharpshooter whit bodyguard Ogryn
  2. get alot of kills fast
  3. get complimented by your ogryn pal
  4. silence* or my head canon ,sharpshooter is literraly having a cuteness overdose cause of the adorable ogryn


Player ID:

Reproduction Rate:
(100%) the silence is constent and deafening

good day : )

played some games since and its seems there is no reply even when chatting whit the bully or the brawler

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