Maybe add a high power scope to the Vrak family?

they already have high zoom, and the damage is not competitive enough to the revolver lol


Depends on visual recoil for that to be effective. All the guns could do with less.

Except for Mk V which should have about 30% less effective stability.

There are high power scopes in the customization mod. You could test the effectiveness that way. They are bugged in the psykarium though, and have no visual recoil so you’d have to test in a real game.

Idk if they need a more high powered one, but they definitely need a different one

I prefer the lasgun scope over autogun 100%

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even with optics these weapons feel bad and have terrible ammo economy. or maybe I’ve just used the AG1 inf for 100 years at this point so its current state of not sucking on multiple target types or ever hurting for ammo and hipfiring well puts these things like several feet underground if not totally obsolete. I guess for shooting scab gunners they’re good, but anything with a sight demolishes those guys by design.

also did they fix the Mk9 not having zoom, I’ve used FoV mod for too long to remember how the vanilla guns work

Where in the game would you use high power (8+x) scope?

Dual sighting systems are not uncommon today, one for short, one for long, and variable power optics are quite popular.

It used to be that ‘zoom’ scopes’ weren’t popular because a fixed scope was more reliable, but word is they are better now.

Add 38 thousand years and I bet we could find a pretty good scope for all occasions.

Still, to your question, it would be very handy in the lead up to the foundry, in the large spaces inside it, in the train yard, In the streets of the upper hive.


Vraks autogun is my favorite gun on basically all classes due to its impact, damage, and ability to snipe so easily. Vraks 3 is my favorite even though the iron sights suck balls

I’m not 40k lore nerd enough to explain why this might not be correct.

It does depend on STC availability of such things.


Yes, we know, but some things are never lost. In the real dark ages metallurgy continued to progress, and even in the novels the adverage education is about the same as we’d expect in ww2.

The deep secrets aren’t optics or even lasers, they are the interface between human mind and god machine, void shields and so on.

The guard in the Gaunt’s Ghosts books are easily able to manage a makeshift insulators for electrical equipment.

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I see that nobody mentioned that, but there is a mod for that, the so called “Weapon Customization Mod” availible on the Darktide Modders Discord. I would post a link, but I am not sure if that is allowed.

With the said mod you can install other sights on the weapons, including scopes. The scopes look like datamined stuff though, and are not really feeling … right if you ask me, but it is just my opinion.

The red-dot sights are fine though and make some weapons (Vraks, Hellbores and so on) much more enjoyable.

Anything would be better than the current sights on Vraks Headhunters. There is no reason for the sights to be so bad, they are not even OP.


Give me apex legends style 1-2 and 2-4 (ideally 2-3 given the ranges we play at) sights.


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