Just thought of this after playing regularly for about a month. The missions don’t have easy to communicate names, it’s all “That one sandy mission with the demon in the tower” or “The TRAINS mission”. Really hard to talk to friends about it or even fill out crash/bug reports when I’m trying to remember if it’s hab-block 731-DQ blizzard or hab-block 411-McFlurry. Much simpler in Vermintide with names like Righteous stand, bell, grain, Athel, Convo (Convo can go die in a ditch), etc.
I know some missions are on the same map and you can use that as a commonality. Like the sand one it can be “Whispers from the sandy sock” and “The sandy sock goes in the wash”, “The Forge Cleaning”, “the hard assassination” or “the chill assassination”. Just something to make it easier for my hard to make words brain to convey a mission.
And if there is a convenient way and I just haven’t seen it then don’t mind me, just gonna get my foot out of my mouth.