Issue Type (Required):
Crash - During Play
Issue Description (Required):
I have observed a major bug on op_train, where throwing a power cell at the wrong angle will instantly crash all players in the lobby out of the game, this is consistent and it has happened to me thrice, and someone in the discord once. I have also been made aware that power cells that spawn around other maps will also cause the same entire lobby crash. Console logs from me and the player I asked to help record this have been provided, as well as a clip of how the crash was achieved.
The full video of the crash can be obtained for further insight into this bug.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
Steam (PC)
Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):
console-2024-11-07-16.41.41-e8eaa7d7-ad71-47cc-a5f2-02cd703f7f28.log (2.19 MB)
[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log (Optional):
console-2024-11-08-04.44.51-8ed4d904-0885-4720-8586-6d2a8bb9c4f4.log (1.72 MB)
Please could you replicate the crash without mods, and upload the corresponding crash report or log here? You see, the mods can make it challenging to identify the underlying issue. 
GUID: d4996bab-05c2-4603-88aa-d14e8c4f8c4f
Log File:
Info Type:
[Script Error]: …hine/character_states/player_character_state_sliding.lua:165: attempt to index local ‘weapon_dodge_template’ (a nil value)
Direct crash log from the player in the lobby who caused the crash.
Console log and crash dump from said player
This player is modless
crash_dump-2024-11-08-13.07.58-d4996bab-05c2-4603-88aa-d14e8c4f8c4f.dmp (887.2 KB)
console-2024-11-08-13.07.58-d4996bab-05c2-4603-88aa-d14e8c4f8c4f.log (444.2 KB)
When the player enters the broken animation, the lobby itself crashes for everyone in it.
Console log from me, also modless.
console-2024-11-08-13.48.42-adc08aee-d5c0-4c7f-981d-56338313056f.log (148.0 KB)
Revised, this is not true for most maps, this only happens on Mercantile with the battery from the mission skull. Will attempt to reproduce this one now, also without mods.
This is confirmed, the cause is dodge sliding while the battery is invisible while you are holding it.
Console and crash log from mercantile.
crash_dump-2024-11-08-14.13.05-35591327-6205-451c-b629-462ed3463f9f.dmp (1.0 MB)
console-2024-11-08-14.13.05-35591327-6205-451c-b629-462ed3463f9f.log (307.5 KB)
If further information is needed, I can provide footage from both games, or crash a lobby while explaining it to a developer.
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Thank you, we’re looking in to it.