Long Playtime induces FPS instability

Issue Description:
After now several days of playing for several hours each, i often noticed a significant performance drop compaired to the start of the session. If i restart the game the performance once again improves for some time. Today i played the same mission at the start of the session and at the end of the session. Same modifiers even (iirc), and the performance at the end was pretty bad compaired to the start. I had FPS drops at mundane moments running in circles and while fighting eventhough there wasn’t really that much more spectacle.

Steps to Reproduce:
0. I have two 2080 TI linked with SLI, just an information.

  1. Play Excise Vault Spireside 13
  2. Play for around 4 hours.
  3. Play Excise Vault Spireside 13 again.

PC Steam

Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[12/03/2022, 20:17 to 12/04/2022, 01:08] [CET]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Console Log:
Logs of the times i play since release:
console-2022-12-01-09.55.36-15bb4b57-1643-4006-b20d-08917d098f98.log (201.6 KB)
console-2022-12-01-11.13.47-06c53205-47a3-4129-a9a4-44a2386a860d.log (491.2 KB)
console-2022-12-01-14.08.41-a2d177ff-eaef-4b67-98ae-326484179253.log (204.8 KB)
console-2022-12-01-16.17.56-33029e72-627b-4cbc-902b-b39ffefd63cb.log (1.4 MB)
console-2022-12-02-16.59.49-892cb38b-b4a5-4c25-9487-da194a98ddd0.log (118.4 KB)
console-2022-12-02-17.18.32-a210eae5-7173-4ceb-965f-28e9cff1f20e.log (1.6 MB)
console-2022-12-02-22.21.06-c4bce2be-e276-44dd-aeaa-baaaeb5e876b.log (287.3 KB)
console-2022-12-03-12.43.19-5dc82cb8-1c11-4b00-98af-c03794229d45.log (868.5 KB)

This last log, is the last session from today, in which i played Excise Vault Spireside 13 twice.
console-2022-12-03-19.17.02-61719964-c329-450e-9694-14765e3d5ed8.log (1.5 MB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (495.9 KB)

I’m seeing this issue too. Also, the amount of RAM and swap being used gradually increases over the course of the session. Even after I shutdown the game, the RAM usage remains high and I need to restart PC to get the memory back.

don’t know. I have i5 11400f, 16 gb ram 3600, RTX 3070, 70-150 fps on high FULL HD, DLSS quality, with hordes sometimes 70 fps is the minimum. On average, it holds 80-130. And very, very rarely 60 fps. Worker threads - 9. I have 150-140 fps on the basis of the respawn. Latest Driver Invidia. Win 10 21H2
Swap file on SSD- Volume 16000MB, FULL HD. No friezes :))))

put a 16gb swap file on the ssd. Indeed, after the game it is better to restart the computer or about 3-4 GB will be used just like that.