Limiting Conditions is a bad idea

It seems like all we get today is high intensity engagement zone.

The game only has 13 missions. Conditions are a huge factor in adding variety to the gameplay and justifying a random mission select screen. If would be awesome if we could play an endless horde mission and then decide to play a power outage mission for a change of pace. The contrast in pacing and atmosphere would massively increase the longevity of the game.

If we only see the same condition over and over again then things are going to get stale very quickly. It will not keep me coming back every day to see what’s new. Instead I will start the game, see that I still can’t play the condition that I want to play. Then I’ll exit the game and pick up a different game.

I’m not going to quit this game in frustration. I’m not going to boycott the monetization practices. I absolutely will leave if I get bored…