Lets talk about Warp Echos (Lore Dive)

I tried to capture them all, I am unsure how many… seems like its an ever growing echo…

From the most part, it seems to me the echo are chatter among Moebian 6, before they turned to chaos, or echo from the dead. The skulls are talking! A lot of juice info here!!
Unsure… what this is…
Standard distress
Thought Emperor was talking to them? unaware it was a chaos god.
Maybe chatter of inquisitor agents? dead wordwood?
Who is Captain Helmag!??
Mobian 6 talk…
Someone still had faith…
Had to include Sienna response, she popped a special …great timing…
Mobian talk…
Life of an Imperial Guard…
Commissar Magsen vs Wolfer… more names!
Wolfer is having problems…
Seems like Morbian Gaurd is split… we may get reinforcements?
Morbian teaming up with Nox Rot…
Discourse in Mobian ranks…
Faithful guard…
Echos of the dead…

Here is the big one, the reason I stopped screenshotting and decided to post… Moebians fight each other???


Who is Helmag?? Commissar Magsen and Wolfer are butting heads??? Moebians fighting moebians??

What is going on in Atoma!?


Here’s the full collection of Warp Echoes:

The Warp Echoes are memories from the Loyalist Moebian 6th Guardsmen who died while defending Atoma Prime from the Traitor Moebian 6th.

We haven’t seen Captain Helmag, but we know she shared command with Captain Wolfer over the Moebian 6th… at least before the regiment turned to Chaos, that is.

The Nox Rot’s a disease the Traitor Moebian 6th caught while stationed on Nox Alpha and almost certainly what caused them to swear allegiance to Nurgle.


Nox Alpha is the world they sent the moebian 6th to capture for the imperium, it’s apparently a lightless world filled with barbaric natives that live without the use of sight and a lot of plagues. the 6th was sent there with a shortage of supplies and promises of a quick resupply that never came. hence why so much of the 6th is down to melee.


I think it’s save to assume that Captain Helmag,
the loyalist Moebian 6th elements
and especially the Commissar Magsen never made it off Nox Alpha alive.


Awesome stuff! So All of these echo are past tense? since they died? Nothing can be considered a foreshadow?

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My dude, the relics are skulls. they’re the warp echos of the dead dudes we’re picking up.

-hopefully nobody’s giving them to hadron, they’ve suffered enough.


So who is Commissar Magsen then?


The fates of Captain Helmag and Commissar Magsen are both currently unknown to us, but the majority of the Loyalist Moebian 6th remained on Atoma Prime during the whole Nox Alpha ordeal.


The Moebian 6th’s assigned Commissar, who apparently didn’t get along very well with Captain Wolfer.


Ah, okay. I thought they all went there and only the corrupted came back.


that is what happened, i have no idea what they’re on about, but all information in the game implies that the 6th was sent to nox alpha, and other elements remained on planet or were sent to reinforce other worlds instead of reinforcing the 6th we’re fighting.

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The majority of the Loyalist Moebian 6th we hear from in the Warp Echoes remained stationed on Atoma Prime and were killed by the returning Traitor Moebian 6th.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but you can’t just send entire regiments away at once… there has to be reservists who remain at home.


Yes, there was conflict between the returning regiment and the existing garrison. I was unaware the planet moebian 6 went to was nox alpha. The echos do make sense with the conflict with using the stimms, frustration with wolfer, the colonel missing and all the signs pointing to the narrative that this is events in the past pointing to the fall of Atoma. The questions I have are if any of these are foreshadow. It seems naught.

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they recalled the entire 6th, while they were having a rebllion. this happened because they’d dropped communications. the majority of the surviving 6th, the traitors, focused on capturing most of the fleet while the loyalist survivors managed to get on one of the barges and run home, where nobody beleived the stories until the rest of the fleet showed up. we know they didn’t fight each other when they got back on atoma because wolfer is a major player in the conflic and he was captured during a boarding action and taken prisoner, which is why we see them in the tutorial intro mission.

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Just curious, where is all this info you have gathered detailed at?

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most of it’s contexted in the warp echos, but a lot of key bits are in the intro and offhand comments during missions. i think one of the mission comments was cut when they updated the one where you capture the firebase though, i haven’t heard the bit about how the returning 6th were treated in ages.

This would explain what Wolfer means when he says to the rejects “abandonded in the field. The same thing once happened to me” after the vox goes down at the beginning of Chasm Station.

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That’s not true.
The military system of the Imperium works different.
Regiments of the Guard are tithes to the Imperium and are allways send away as a whole, many of which never to see there homeworlds again.
However in the Mobian Domain it seems, that most Regiments raised for the Guard are used within the borders of the Domain thus keeping a connection further than just tradition and upbringing.

The reserves would be drawn from addtional regiments for a theatre.

The defence of a world lays first and foremost with the Imperial Commander (mostly the Gouvernor) who has the Planetary Defence Forces at their disposal.
PDF can vary in ability and equipment but are mostly looked down upon by Guardregiments.

So following the normal Imperial System:
The whole 6th was sent to the campaign.
The loyalists never made it back home (therefore neither the Commissar nor the Captian).

And it’s stated somewhere in the game’s lore, that the 6th were to experienced a military force for the PDF to handle whiöe also havin to deal with the Cult


Elements of regiments surely have to stay behind to help guard and police their home world as a kind of “federal” military presence whilst the PDFs are more of a “local” military presence. That’s what they did according to the Martyr Skulls and my own military service as a reservist suggests they’d have done so as well.

I’ll humour the idea, though. If the Imperium takes ENTIRE regiments and sends them away at once instead of just periodically rotating them… jeez, it’d be no wonder Chaos has such a chokehold on the Astra Militarum.

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Well that is exactly what the Imperium does according to the lore (Codeces and Novels).
Most Regiments supplement their losses by new influx of fresh recruits from their homeworld, if the Administratum deems it worth the effort. In other cases they just go by numbers purely and mix regiments, even though this makes no sense from a tactical viewpoint.

Federal Policing is done by the Adeptus Arbites. Depending on the importance of the world this may vary from one singel judge/arbitor to a whol fortress.

Military defences is the PDF’s Job until the Administratum deems it necessary to send a Guard Regiment for assistence.