Last elevator bugged in Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707 after patch #9

Issue Description:
Elevator button not working for anyone on the team. Going out and back in or re-logging did not resolve issue. Ultimately everyone had to leave and abandon mission, because we could not progress to last boss.

Steps to Reproduce:
Play Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707, get to last elevator before boss.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
First mission I played after patch #9 on May 2nd 2023

Reproduction Rate:
Once so far

Upload Supporting Evidence:

Thank you for the report. I am having a hard time being able to see what could have caused the issue. Could you provide a console log? (How To) Thanks again

I’m away from my main PC for 2 days, I’ll get back to you with that console log by the end of the weekend.

There are only 4 console logs on the PC I played when the bug occurred, and none of them seem to correspond to the time it happened (May 2nd 2023). Are older console logs removed automatically? As explained in OP I re-logged, turning the game client off completely so there should be one log with almost exact timestamp of that bug.

screen 2023-05-06 204038

I’ll be happy to send you all those logs, but I suppose that would be useless?

No, that probably does not include the one. But thank you for being helpful and reporting. I will keep an eye on the problem and the video is useful in potentially figuring out the cause. Sorry for the lost rewards from the mission

I took a look at recent changes made to the elevator code and I think I found what caused the issue. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!

That sounds great, thanks for looking into it!

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