KNOWN ISSUE: 'Electrokinetic Force Staff' Has an Excess of 4 Unspendable Points

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One of my Psyker’s staff’s masteries have 4 extra points leftovers after all perks are maxed out. I tried to restart, verifying files on both steam and client but they’re still there.

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Hello Fatshark and thanks for this welcome patch. I have finished unlocking all the weapon mastery for all the weapons but still have 4 point to spend on my electro pyscher staf.

Is it a bug or a feature for new things to come

Also please consider removing the private game lock for zealot and pycher penance. Zealotcause you can do it in the new fast mission and psycher cause It was 90% dammage on monstruosity with bb back in the day and now its 50% and done it 50 times and thats the only one i missed cause i don’t play private game.


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Same issue, I think it’s exclusive to Electrokinetic staff, maybe there was/is supposed to be another blessing?

Lol I was just about to post this glad it wasnt a fluke I too still have 4 points to spend its almost like they forgot to give us a blessing for the staff or something

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Used all blessing points for Nomanus staff and still got 4 points for use. Any new blessings coming? :wink:

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Every time i log in.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

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Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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ID Steam: 76561197982170603

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There are a few weapons that do this. Not sure if math error, a blessing was left behind, or one is coming and they oopsied.

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Fully mastered, the EK staff has 4 leftover blessing points. To make sure this isn’t a network sync issue, I wrote down all the blessing points received from gaining mastery:

levels 1-5: 7 blessing points
levels 5-10: 9
levels 11-15: 6
levels 16-20: 14

7+9+6+14 = 36 blessing points total
36/4 = 9 expected number of unlockable blessings

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Gain full mastery over the Electrokinetic Staff
  2. Unlock all blessings
  3. Observe more blessing points remaining

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Good thing I’m not the only one. Gone through a long grind of capping out weapons and wondered if I had broken their db.

The mastery track must have been copy pasted from the other staves. They all have one more blessing, exactly four points, than the electrokinetic/surge staff.

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You beat me to it, I was just about to make a post about this wondering if a blessing is missing or like Gideon said “The mastery track must have been copy pasted from the other staves.”


Easy solution. Add a new blessing to this staff :slight_smile:

Issue Type (Required):

Blessing Points

Issue Description (Required):

Sacrificed items to progress weapon mastery. Mastery full, but still have points to spend. See screen shot below

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Not reproduceable, see screen shot below.

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Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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as per title, see screenshot.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

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Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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Issue Description (Required):

The Psyker’s Electrokinetic Force Staff (the lighting staff) is either missing a Blessing or the points tally for mastering it is incorrect. By Mastery level 20, I have enough points to unlock all Blessings and upgrade them to level 4, which still leaves me with 4 points without anything to put them in. This causes the staff to constantly display a “new” notification in the Masteries UI, due to having unspent points that I can’t spend.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Acquire Electrokinetic Force Staff
  2. Level Electrokinetic Force Staff up to Mastery 20.
  3. Pick all Blessings, level them up to 4.
  4. Observe that 4 points are left over.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam


It is same for me. I have 6 free mastery points.

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Leveled all aviable blessings of Electrokinetic force staff to tier IV and still have 4 spare blessing points left.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

As a psyker (any) enter to the masteries menu on my account.
Choose electrokinetic force staff and click blessings menu.
Witness that the god-emperor favors me.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Experiencing the same issue. Playing on Steam, using a shitload of mods.

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Issue Type (Required):

Masteries > Blessings

Issue Description (Required):

The Electrokinetic Force Staff, once mastered, ends up having four extra points that cannot be spent. With or without mods (I use UI, True Level, and Scoreboard).

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Acquire Electrokinetic Force Staff
  2. Master the staff to level 20.
  3. Unlock all eight blessings.
  4. Discover that the weapon still has four points to spend on nonexistent blessings.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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