It is not possible to distinguish the effect of Brain Burst skill from the sound, whether it kills the enemy, or just deals damage

It is not possible to distinguish the effect of Brain Burst skill from the sound, whether it kills the enemy, or just deals damage
Brain Burst skill will have a very crisp sound alert when it causes a kill before, and a different sound if it does not cause a kill. But after I forget which patch update, it is no longer possible to distinguish from the sound, caused a kill or just cause damage effect.

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At least there is the crosshair hit marker, you will get red X on kill and orange X when it doesn’t kill since it always hits the weakspot.

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Not true.
I just went to the meatgrinder.
The sound effect is unchanged.

BB kills have an additional “plop” sound that does not occur on hits that do not kill.

Go to the meatgrinder and test it yourself.
To be fair, it is a bit harder to hear when at 100% peril.

Yeah, some update completely killed the Brain Burst audio feedback. You can still tell when you get an elite kill very easily thanks to the inherent sound effect that plays there, but accidentally killing a mob versus just damaging a meatier target is now indistinguishable. No idea why they changed the sounds, the new one isn’t anywhere near as satisfying.

Pay attention to the distance between you and the enemy, more than a certain range after the feedback sound

It is not.
The „plop“ sound plays on any kill, elite or not.
But it does not play if you only damage the enemy without killing it.

I just tested it again, pushing enemies to the wall of the meatgrinder and then attacking them from the opposing wall (~63m). The sound plays correctly every time.
Then i tested it in the Chasm Station Assassination mission, at a distance of 84-90 meters (which is pretty close to the max distance you can realistically get), where i killed two trashmobs (plop and plop) as well as hitting (no plop) and then killing (plop) a crusher.

At those distances, there is still the same difference in sound that i mentioned earlier.

Considering that

  • the sound plays correctly (for me) at ranges up to 84-90m
  • probably >99% of BB uses are within a range shorter than 84m
  • you did not mention distance (>84m) being a factor, in your OP
  • you did not mention “steps to reproduce”

i am inclined to believe without further testing, that distance to the target does not matter at all, and the sound effect plays every single time on a BB kill.

The sound might not play for you due to different audio settings, but i do not think that this is very likely.

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