Inexorable Judgement - Buff not triggering *Resolved*

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Inexorable Judgement buff is not triggering 80-90% of the time, instead only the counter is reset.
It’s not a UI bug either - I’m validating the bug through the “Lethal Pursuit” penance. The penance counter increased by 3 over the course of 4 matches, where I had >100 Elite/Specialist kills (conservatively) . I take “Inebriate’s Focus” as well, so it’s very simple and quick to build up the 15 stacks. Even in the absence of the penance counter, it’s easy to distinguish between the Heavy Evis base attack speed and a +15% buff.

It’s worth mentioning that it works perfectly in the Psykhanium.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play as a Zealot with the Inexorable Judgement keystone selected.
  2. Join game
  3. Move to build stacks.
  4. Hit an enemy to trigger buff.
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Have you tried different keystone modifiers? I run all of them and it works flawlessly for me. Buff shows up, benefits are noticed, and the penance progressed as usual. Maybe some other talent or maybe even weapon choice breaks it? I tried just now to confirm with the mk12 chainaxe in mission and it works


As I mentioned, I’m using “Inebriate’s Focus” - but that should have no impact on whether or not the player receives the buff.

I just left a match. Sometimes it would trigger, but more often than not it wouldn’t, and it wasn’t a buff bar overflow where I simply couldn’t see it. I was alone on several occasions, had 15 stacks, hit a guy and it just reset the counter - no buff.

Hmm, I’m seeing it kick in consistently, one example, 15 stacks (w/ Inebriate) before hit:

after hit:

you can see a +15% to mAs (melee attack speed) and Dmg.

counter zeroing immediately after hit w/ no buff.

same as above.

Which mod are you using that provides the textual information?

Modded mod, I hijacked the dodge debug info from Numeric UI 'cause I was lazy and that seemed the path of least resistance to dump info on-screen.

It’s just showing values of diff things to compare buffed to baseline, and as I indicated it’s kicking in consistently from my quick tests in a map.

I think there’s a mod that was causing my issue. I was running weapon specialist on my Vet and noticed that range stacks weren’t appearing in the UI when I was killing heretics w/ melee, but the instant I switch to ranged, they appeared. I disabled ~6 mods and it’s no longer happening.

This means that I clearly cannot tell the difference between base speed and a 15% buff on my Zealot. :upside_down_face:

@ gpkgpk that’s a clever modification you’ve made - you outta release it.

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