I have had multiple discussions with various gaming groups about future content we’d like to see in Darktide. First off, I think what has been done so far is great. I opted in to the beta and have around 600 hrs in so far and still going. Some topics that tend to come up are:
- rogue psykers as assassination targets/enemies
- daemonhosts using psychic powers
- other chaos cults and a Nurglite replacement for the Rager (seems kinda Khornate, a plagued mauler or something slower moving, tough, and hard-hitting would be in line with Nurgle rather than the current Mauler that rushes forward)
- warp phenomena when psychic powers are used, especially with the psyker PC. think the Dark Heresy warp phenomena table - bleeding walls, distant screams, weird hallucinations, etc.
- hallucinations specific to psykers - i think it would be kinda neat if the psyker starts freaking out in the elevator attacking things only he can see: whether this has a gameplay effect could variable
- other enemies: the current rumor is genestealer cults. this could work, with a full on genestealer being a boss or possibly a recurring boss that attacks throughout the level that the party has to deal with. this would also differentiate it from the chaos missions where you fight through the level and fight the boss at the end. lictors would be a bit much, as full on Tyranid bioforms would present a significant Tyrannic presence that the Ordo Xenos or SMs would probably need to address. A Genestealer horde would not be feasible for Rejects to handle, since they give Space Marine Terminators a run for their money
– khorne would be pretty self-evident, maybe heavier on Moebians/equivalent due to the martial nature and fewer, but tougher, melee enemies
– slaanesh: you could really make them fit into the horror setting and do it subtly. something like the current formula where slaanesh leads players into traps by trailing along things they desire - plasteel, diamantine, resources… basically directing the players into bad areas through seduction
– tzeentch: lots of mutants, lots of rogue psykers, illusions, general sorcery use - maybe get the players to identify eachother as enemies or otherwise waste resources on false targets
– dark eldar would be an interesting fight and could fit the dark tide mold. dont get me wrong, they would be a nightmare to fight - fast, accurate, vigilant (though fewer in number), evasive and might have haemonculi abominations attacking in waves. think more of a suspenseful buildup to a hard fight compared to chaos trying to hammer you with waves of enemies
Anyway, Fatshark seems to have a plan anyway, but I hope these ideas contribute to any ideas they might be considering or working on.