Issue Summary:
i could not connect to revolt´s server and idk why
can someone help me ??
Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Rare (< 10%)
Unusual (< 25%)
Common (< 50%)
Often (< 75%)
Constant (100%) <------
Additional Information:
Issue Summary:
i could not connect to revolt´s server and idk why
can someone help me ??
Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Rare (< 10%)
Unusual (< 25%)
Common (< 50%)
Often (< 75%)
Constant (100%) <------
Additional Information:
If I understand correctly you probably want to purchase the game from Steam instead of trying to crack it…
Lmao? Wait, what? He’s actually asking for help on the official forums to get his hacked gamed working? What a legend…
Oh yea, revolt. Top keks.
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