Issue Description:
The Buff Icon for “Makin’ It Look Easy” is greyed out when appearing, which is a bit confusing, because it makes it seem like it is not activated.
The buff icon for “Keep it Coming” (Every shot after 3 ranged hits consumes no ammo)) is confusing as well, since it is not clear when the next shot is free or not when you just look at the buff icon.
It goes from 1st hit (just the icon) to 2nd hit (the icon with a 2, like 2 stacks) to 3rd hit (just the icon again).
So it es never clear if you see just the icon if the next shot will be free or just your second hit in the line, because it could represent either 1 or 3 achieved hits.
Steps to Reproduce:
Pick huntsman with the Talents “Makin’ It Look Easy” and “Keep it coming” and shoot the dummy or enemies.
Map Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
7 p.m. - UTC+1
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
Makin it look easy (greyed out)
Keep it coming (1 hit achieved)
Keep it coming (2 hits achieved)
Keep it coming (3 hits achieved - same icon as 1 hit)
Upload Console Log:
(Not from the last session played at 7 p.m. but the only one I have in this folder, but the exact one shouldn’t matter since it happens always)
console-2023-06-22-16.11.36-d9d436fd-55cd-407f-b913-76503426fbc0.log (963.3 KB)
Upload user_settings.config:
user_settings.config (57.3 KB)