I have used mace a whole lot, and I’d never dream of getting into sustained melee with it. It’s terrible at it and you’ll eat damage. The push attacks barely do damage, making it… A way to get out of trouble, nothing more. BW talent helps of course, but I’m afraid that talent is not part of the weapon.
So why do people who excel on “ranged” characters also excel on “melee” characters? Why do average gamers seem to be able to routinely break 10k dmg with every class without difficulty? Sorry to burst the hate bubble but melee isn’t particularly challenging when the game isn’t bug-screwing you. Fix the bugs and there’s nothing wrong with melee at all. There’s nothing in the game “designed” to screw melee over (other than chaos spawn bs and 180 boss slams)… it’s just a function of the game not working properly sometimes still. Spoiler alert: this screws over “ranged” classes too.
Any weapon that requires push attack in it’s rotation to be workable is inherently worse than weapons that don’t, or weapons that merely require block canceling. Why? First of all you can’t do the standard rotation of other weapons, second it eats your stamina.
Anyone claiming mace has hordeclear comparable to the upper half of the melee choices in this game haven’t learned to realize the potential of other weapons, in my opinion.
While it wasn’t you, someone claiming the dagger is better than the rapier is also laughable. The rapier has a ever so slight range advantage, and charged attacks about as fast as other weapons do lights.
yeah fix the melee bugs, so the 1 from 100 moments a range class have to melee, he/she´ll never die anymore… you don´t have to tell me, that every class can work in the right hands, but there are still classes, which are ridiculous broken… They can do all good or better than others and they can just chill in their safezone with a cup of coffee…
The only danger are lords maybe… just because they can´t stay and LMB range weapons there all the time…give them a shade as 4th player and even this is done into seconds…
Because I used both Rapier and Falchion, and no Rapier is better at Horde clearing… Falchion can do the Job, but not as well or as fast.
Mind you that is from the perspective of a WHC not a Zealot or BH.
AND playing the Battle Wizard is precisely WHY I now have SERIOUS problems with Fat Shark’s nerfs to both WHC and the Saltz Weapons as a WHOLE… including the Falchion nerfs…
I stepped from WHC to BW… and the difference is like night and day…
BW is a fully powerful character capable of Meleeing just about as well, AND with Conflag and Fireball blowing up huge chunks of hordes on top of that its WAY more powerful.
There was NO reason at this point for ANY of the WHC nerfs or Saltz weapon nerfs… and all of them need to be reversed.
Detailed HERE…
Because at this time I can melee with Battle Wizard without any issues at all… PLUS blow up entire fields of enemies or chain stagger Elites with both Conflag and the Firewalk ULT + Clear my Overcharge in one shot doing so.
The WHC Nerfs were OBVIOUSLY a serious double standard… and even made the job weaker than OTHER Melee Jobs…
Certainly, I melee decently with BW as well, but it’s an absolute slog compared to falchion. People ditched it because of the nerfs, but I would never run anything but falchion on BH or Zealot. The hordeclear is fantastic for a weapon with that much speed, reach and cleave, and you only really need to do charged against chaos warriors.
Not to mention the amazing smorgasbord of excellent elf weapons - nothing Sienna has comes within miles of her kit, 25% power talent or not.
As for the Saltz axe - it either needs to do a ton more damage, or it needs more cleave, because right now it’s damage in no way makes up for the terrible hordeclear.
Edit: have you played anything else much, or stayed WHC main until now?
But to answer your question… the only thing the Falchion is good for IS those other jobs after the Nerf, because they don’t have Deathknell… but worthless to WHC because it no longer has any real AP on it which was the whole point of using it as WHC…
…and even then the Zealot can move at walking speed through a horde with a Rapier the same way WHC can with the Rapier, (as he has the same 5% power increase per mob the BW does)… and BW can with Dagger.
The ONLY reason you DON’T see BWs do this is because its pointless once you’re using either Fireball or Conflag.
NOT because the Dagger isn’t every bit as good as the Rapier on Hordes.
I really would like to know your playstyle or do you really just play/like meta-builds?
Saltz Axe is nothing real for WHC and BH yeah, but on Zealot it´s just amazing. The waveclear is just PUSH AA AA PUSH AA AA… yeah it might takes 5s longer to clear a full wave next to falchion /rapier, but you even can solo CW-Pats easily with it.
BW don´t even really needs to melee either… just spam fireball RMB and use your ult to kite and heat-reset.
Nerf the Axe and you screw over WHC which because of the Mega Nerfs to the job since Beta is in sorry shoes. Probably because someone JUST like you did that.
BH doesn’t need to as he takes down Elites with Ranged Combat… Not Melee… his skills arent’ strong enough for it.
I believe his point was that DA is spewing wildly incoherent opinions. Ranting from the rooftops about ranged being sooo OP, and when someone says something he disagrees with about axe, suddenly melee is amazing and can solo CW pats.
Considering the mace’s primary job is single target damage and AP, I wouldn’t expect it to be the best horde clear weapon. I think the horde clear is very balanced, because it’s a sienna weapon and pretty much all of her staves have powerful horde clear. The mace may not kill hordes as fast but it survives them just fine.
Dont really see an issue with push attack using stamina… Pushes stagger everything that was about to hit you, which would have cost stamina to block. Mix it up with some charged attacks or get some stamina recovery and you break even on stamina. Who cares about the standard rotation of other weapons? I appreciate the mace being different, and honestly I find it very satisfying to use and soloing hordes is never a problem.
Oh, so you finally admit that different setups in the game are meant to accomplish different aims? But it’s only okay if it suits your own preferences. Please, do go on!