How do you stack 15 disrupt destiny?

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When only 1 enemy appears and it’s pot luck you kill it before anyone else to get the stack, how do you stack 15 for a 1800 seconds? You can stack 4 maybe but then you’re at a lift or something and they’re all gone. I understand if 12 to 20 of them would appear but like 1 every 20 seconds or so and a stack drains in 2 seconds… it doesn’t quite add up. Any tips?

Play higher difficulties. You can generally build a full 15 stacks in a normal horde very quickly.
It took me 5 Auric Maelstrom missions to get the penances done.

The 1800 seconds is also total. Meaning you don’t have to keep it up consecutively for 1800s. Any amount of seconds adds to it.

Also a PSA: The UI display for disrupt destiny is broken. It can sometimes not show you getting any stacks at all, but it still works. I’ve had it count to 15 for one mission but never ever again after that but it still seemed to count towards the penance.


That penance description is wrong. I recently did that penance and used Lingering Influence on a map with huge elevator rides and still got it done. I think the limit is keeping DD stacks above 10, not 15. Either that or it bugged for me idk, all I know is I got it done like that. :sweat_smile:

Correct. It doesn’t quite add up.
Enemies are marked much more frequently and the stacks do not drain in 2 seconds.
Even by default, they stay longer than 2 seconds and you can spend an additional talent point to increase the duration of your stacks.

I play auric damnation/maelstrom. ONE appears maybe every now and again. and sometimes it targets one behind a sodding wall miles away beyond the wall, by the time it’s visible, your stacks have drained.
And yes I guessed the UI is bugged cos my stacks square drains down in 2 seconds. Wouldn’t type it if not happening. I noticed after this last match that the counter went up on the penance, but on my screen it never clocked above 12…
so basically a bug then? ffs.

Strange, apart of sometimes missing icon, the keystone works well for me, and I have no problems with getting up to 15 stacks.
Maybe try with talent for extra 2 stacks on weakspot kills, it gives extra mileage with revolver especially, or other weapons with easy access to headshots.

As I said, the UI is bugged. Just keep playing and check your progress occasionally.

He isn’t wrong. He’s merely describing exactly what his UI does… As stated above right now there’s a bug in the UI where the counter isn’t showing up and will instead just display the icon without a counter and drain it in 1-2 seconds.

This is the UI bug I was talking about. The stacks are working just fine.


Oooh this would explain a lot! But are you sure it really does work and is just a UI bug, like have you or someone else confirmed the damage?

This bug has existed since the overhaul 6 months ago especially for laspistols, and got way more frequent with other weapons too since the latest patch. Which is why I don’t play them anymore, assuming the whole keystone is just busted for those. :slightly_frowning_face:

Can confirm I’m clocking now. However, it didn’t clock this morning at all… now suddenly it’s working… very slowly lol. But the UI is misleadingly bugged. Also they need to fix so the enemy highlighted is IN THE SAME AREA.
Long and short, it works but is janky. To make it better they could improve it by having it count when somebody else kills it too; or limit the distance it can highlight to the section you’re in. That’d make it less awkward a bit.
Example was just now on Throneside- a standing still pox gas bomber highlighted right across the bridge before the power cells had been in beginning the bridge event. There was no way to target it, eventually it just disappeared and a rager nearer highlighted instead- but only after 3 stacks had already dropped.

Yes I have completed it along with every other Psyker penance. It definitely is working and a UI issue. I have no idea about the extra keystones though. Since the UI is bugged I couldn’t check if the duration keystone is working properly for instance.


No I mean is the dmg from DD buffed like it should be? Not talking about the penance. Sure they are probably the same, but in the world of software and bugs I’ve learned to not assume. :joy:

For all we know the whole issue for both UI and penance might be from the same source with the game bugging out and thinking DD is stacked, yet all without actually giving that bonus dmg.

I believe there’s a thread about it in the bug forums. If I remember correctly the user there confirmed that it is actually just a UI bug by checking the files and readout. But I understand your question, this is a Fatshark game after all. Nothing really works as it should be

Is disrupt destiny stacks for things you kill or team

Just your kills from what I’ve tested. It’s easiest to get stacks when using assail and spamming into a horde or going with gunpsyker/columnus mk5

Honestly it’s one of the easiest keystone penances imo. Biggest problem right now is the UI bug, but if you have 10 second cooldown per stack you can have 15 stacks up for pretty much every combat encounter.

Ye just completed it. Musta just been bugged.

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