Holler at yer Boy

Christmas isn’t a big deal for me. It’s not a religious or political thing, it’s a personal thing. Not depressing, I’m just older, my kids are almost out of my house and Christmas just doesn’t really matter to me anymore. This weekend I’ll have some lunch with a few friends and family on Sunday but the rest of the time I’ll probably be purging heresy. My Character name is Ghutts. If you’re running around the Mourningstar this weekend, or I meet you in a mission Holler at yer Boy! Feel free to say hello, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, or just scream “For the Emperor!”



Merry Christmas Ghutts!

I can relate! Good luck sorting out the heretics!


I’m with you, I’ll spend a little time with friends and family but will be mostly on another planet… primarily Atoma Prime.

Not just to those that celebrate but to all my agents of the Emperor have an amazing purge this festive season!!