Issue Description:
The Tac Axe Mk VII’s Light Attack 2 has hit detection problems against human-sized targets. See the video below, against the Mauler in the Psykhanium on Heresy. Timestamps : 00:13 , 00:21 , 00:41
This might be specific to the Mauler ; it’s more difficult to record clearly against shamblers and Poxwalkers.
I’d wager the issue is made worse on actual missions because of the poor server performance.
Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]
- Play Psykhanium with the Tac Axe Mk VII
- Get close enough to the Mauler so that your swings should logically not miss.
- Spam light attacks (without hitting the head, because that makes the Mauler stagger and move away)
- The Light attack 2 seems to occasionally whiff entirely.
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[01/16/2023, 03:00 PM] [UTC+1]
Reproduction Rate:
Unusual (<25%)
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