Hit detection issues on Tac Axe Mk VII (light attack 2)

Issue Description:
The Tac Axe Mk VII’s Light Attack 2 has hit detection problems against human-sized targets. See the video below, against the Mauler in the Psykhanium on Heresy. Timestamps : 00:13 , 00:21 , 00:41

This might be specific to the Mauler ; it’s more difficult to record clearly against shamblers and Poxwalkers.

I’d wager the issue is made worse on actual missions because of the poor server performance.

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. Play Psykhanium with the Tac Axe Mk VII
  2. Get close enough to the Mauler so that your swings should logically not miss.
  3. Spam light attacks (without hitting the head, because that makes the Mauler stagger and move away)
  4. The Light attack 2 seems to occasionally whiff entirely.


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Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[01/16/2023, 03:00 PM] [UTC+1]

Reproduction Rate:
Unusual (<25%)

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