Helbore lasgun charged shot does excessive damage to carapace and unyielding armor

Issue Description:

All Lucius pattern Helbore lasguns (Mk I, II, III) do excessive damage to carapace and unyielding armors on charged shots, far greater damage than the values displayed in the weapons ‘examine’ attack patterns panel, as if the armor does nil or negative damage reduction (i.e. boosting damage instead of reducing).

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to meatgrinder
  2. Equip Lucius pattern Helbore lasgun Mk I, II or III
  3. Fire charged shot (hold left-click) at carapace armored enemy and observe damage value
  4. Fire charged shot (hold left-click) at unyielding armored enemy and observe damage value

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
12/16/2022 11:00PM GMT+11

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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Wait i thought this was normal for helbore lasguns. It’s their “deal” huh… Well there goes my hopes and dreams. Been using this weapon because of the ability to damage the carapace armored enemies.

I was under the impression that’s intended and the stat screen is wrong. The guns are absolutely trash if the displayed number are intended and not the damage they deal now.


It looks like the % listed on their Stopping Power bar for Carapace is actually applied x10