Was fog removed?
Do dark maps still exist?
Why bother having them at all?
Idk, I miss them )=
I have friends who have over 100 hours of playtime now and they haven’t seen either of those once.
I don’t understand the point of having some of the stage hazards only available for a small amount of time.
Like…people have jobs and lives. Why make the window so small?
not to mention people play from all countries across the planet. What is evening for some is in the middle of the night for others.
The way missions are done in this game is possibly the worst implementation I have ever seen in a game. Not only does it utterly destroy player agency but key draws to the product are missing 90% of the time
All i get are those stupid Hunting Grounds modifiers, and i just straight up refuse to play those with the current state of poxhounds.
Yeah this is why I think its the worst system I have ever seen.
Say you only feel comfortable playing Malice difficulty. That means you have 3 missions to select. Say you don’t like Hunting Grounds. Thats probably one of those three out. Say you also dont really like doing Grim runs. Thats 1-2 or out.
Its entirely possible there will be 0 missions to play for you when you log in
And you might want to farm some scripts or something as well, so that just narrows it down even further.
I may have only seen one fog map since launch, but I want to say it was two? I may be mistaking one with near the end of beta. I did notice the view distance was dialed VERY differently between the two times the condition appeared. One the view distance wasn’t much better than lights out and the other it might as well not have been foggy at all the view distance was so far.
But I digress, it’s a bad system and these special conditions shouldn’t be so spread out with such small access windows. People will burn out having never seen new content.
Most of my friends play on Heresy. There’s been times where there even a heresy map on the board. Often, when there is, it’s very often one of the maps we’ve played 3,000 times. I genuinely don’t recall the last time we played the repair mission, Enclavum, Silo cluster on Heresy at all. There’s a bunch of others we see very rarely - seems to be generally the same 3-4 maps when we get on every time.
It’s just awful. Let us play the maps we want at the difficulty we want.
Yes they exist.
I´m sure they set the modifiers live via server and since they brought a patch with hunting grounds and went into christmas holidays, we probably won´t get them back until next year.
Maybe they´re reworking the modifier aswell, but i don´t think so… they´ve been fine.
Just melee at the right moment. It works in like 95% of all cases and is way more consistent than trying to dodge, to push or to shoot them. You´ll stagger them with any melee weapon. (at best dodge + melee)
Also there are a lot of corners or little defensives. Just try to stay behind them, spam LMB and the hound will pretty much run into your weapon.